Appendix 2: Recorded crimes and incidents per month in 2020/21 (red line) and 2021/22 (red bars)compared with average of the previous two years (‘pre-Covid’) (grey dotted line)
Total Crimes |
Except for late summer in 2020/21, total crime numbers remained below the average of the previous two years (‘pre-Covid’). Total crimes remained below pre-Covid levels at the beginning of 2021/22, but had regained previous levels in the autumn months, before dropping below again in December. |
Violent crimes |
All violence against the person (VAP) crimes in 2020/21 were higher than pre-Covid during the summer months when restrictions were relaxed, but lower during periods of greater Covid restrictions, especially so during the late autumn and winter months. This pattern was particularly strong when looking at violent crimes in a public place. Injury violence mostly remained below pre-Covid levels in 2020/21. In 2021/22 to date all VAP, including that in a public place has exceeded pre-Covid levels, particularly so in the autumn months but resumed more typical levels in December. In the case of injury violence, the pattern was similar, but less marked. |
Acquisitive Crimes |
Across most acquisitive crime groups, the number of recorded crimes was on the whole notably higher pre-Covid than in 2020/21 or 2021/22 to date. With burglaries (this includes both residential and non-residential) the drop has been considerable, with the single month of July 2021 being an exception. The lower number of theft and handling offences (which include theft from person and shoplifting) and also vehicle crimes to an extent, are likely to be strongly linked to the restrictions on the operations of shops and licensed premises since April 2020. The picture with cycle thefts is less clear. There was a peak in May 2020 as people (perhaps those less familiar with, or equipped for, the need for cycle security) took to their bicycles for exercise during lockdown, but generally cycle thefts have fluctuated above or below pre-Covid levels. |
Domestic and sexual violence and abuse |
Police-recorded domestic violence was higher than pre-Covid in the first six months of 2020/21, but since then has been at a similar level or lower. There is a different picture with sexual offences, which tend to have an association with the night-time economy. During 2020/21 sexual offences were lower than pre-Covid, except for the summer and autumn when they wre higher of at a similar level. Since March 2021 numbers have been consistently higher than pre-Covid levels, particularly so between July and November. Sexual offences showed a drop in the months of Mar to Jun. In previous years, sexual offences have shown a clear link to the night time economy. |
Criminal damage and antisocial behaviour (ASB) |
Police recorded criminal damage showed a particular peak in August and September 2020, but other than that, have mostly remained at or below pre-Covid levels. Covid restrictions had a big impact on the number if ASB incidents recorded. At the onset of the initial lockdown in April 2020 numbers jumped up, and this was mainly driven by contraventions of social distancing requirements, generally recorded as ASB nuisance incidents. Numbers of ASB incidents remained above pre-Covid levels until June 2021, since when they have reverted to pre-Covid levels.
Hate incidents and crimes |
The summer of 2020 saw particularly heightened numbers of recorded racist and LGB hate incidents and crimes compared with pre-Covid levels. Numbers of racist and LGB incidents and crimes in 2021/22 to date are mostly higher than pre-Covid levels
Other |
Since April 2020 crimes against business have remained below pre-Covid levels Robberies (mostly personal robberies) saw elevated numbers between April and September 2020, but other than that have mostly remained below pre-Covid levels. |